
1miligrams has a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.

If for some motive, your order doesn’t present up or is broken in transit, we’ll ship you one other package or provide you a full refund as per your request.

If nonetheless, you obtained a partial order, we’ll provide you a full refund, after which cost your Credit Card once more for the remaining stability (so you’re totally refunded, after which charged just for the product (s) you obtained). We will ask you to first permit 30 enterprise days from the day the order was shipped. If after these 30 days, you haven’t obtained the package deal, or should you obtained any notification that your package was on maintain or returned to the sender, please raise a ticket (Refund Section) and we’ll handle your request promptly.

Please Note: If you could have any queries concerning your transaction, please contact us by sending a mail (or ticket from the Support Section) or ring us at +123456789